Anniversary Lines (2023)


Carcanore: Heeey, Benetta? Why’d you make today your Anniversary?

Benetta: Do you not know? You, of all people.

Carcanore: That’s why I’m asking. Of course I remember.

Carcanore: May 17th is the day that we exchanged our blood oath!


• That sounds like a special day.

• You two sure are close.

Carcanore: Exactly, Duce.1 ...I mean, I’m happy about it, but Benetta, is that really okay? It’s not the day you swore yourself to our precious, precious Maestro.2

Benetta: ......

Benetta: The reason I’m here right now is because of the day that started it all. The warning to traitors.

Benetta: You’ll kill me, won’t you?

Carcanore: ...that’s right, Benetta. I swear by the blood that flows through this body. Ah, but you’ll kill me too, right?

After smiling back at him, Benetta placed a kiss on the back of (Player Name)’s hand.

Benetta: Maestro, I am prepared to repay in full your trust and the decision you made that day. Please, remember that much.


• ...Benetta.

Benetta: Alright. Now then... how shall I repay this Anniversary blessing.

Benetta: How many people should I kill? Don’t worry, I’ll leave no evidence.


• I don’t think I need you do to that...!

• Um, how about...

Benetta: Ti voglio bene sempre.3 As you command, Maestro.

(LOGIN) Carcanore: I’m not gonna be cheap; it’s all-out for today! For the sake of the best present ever!


1“Duce” is an Italian title meaning “leader”. It has a heavily militaristic association.

2Italian for “Master”.

3Italian for, “I will always love you”, with an emphasis on tenderness and affection, rather than romantic or sexual feelings.